Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Diplomacy, statesmanship, savoir faire

I have always been impressed with those who have the ability to say the right thing or graceful thing. It is not enough to simply be an eloquent person. Rather, to be a tactful person and to be pure in speech is most impressive.

Be cautions of what you say. Have discrepancy toward what you say toward people. To be diplomatic is being considerate and selfless and to look through the other persons eyes rather than your own. It is a way to make yourself feel more accustom to yourself. It takes a wise person to know that every meeting will have an impact on your life or those lives of the people who you meet. As long as you rid yourself of the illusions and have a strong opinion for yourself, then you can always have something to say. You can be sure to have those others drink some Britta water rather than some cloudy tap water. Give them a fresh purified glass of water and that's the way to be diplomatic.
- Mark Alvarez

A politician thinks about the next elections - the stateman thinks about the next generations.
- Winston Churchill

A politician is a man who understands government. A statesman is a politician who's been dead for 15 years.
- Harry S. Truman

The statesman's duty is to bridge the gap between experience and vision.
- Henry Kissinger

1 comment:

Liquid Loquacity said...

Mark was definitely in one of those fleeting moments where he channels genius so clearly